Criminal gangs

During the First World War (1914-1918) Northcote was plagued by a number of street gangs. These gangs were known as ‘Pushes’ and possessed unusual names such as the Blue Anchor Push, the Imperial Push and the Fairfield Park Push.

The activities of these gangs ranged considerably, from mild pranks such as spraying passersby through to muggings and violent street battles. The dominant gang was the Blue Anchor Push, led by Gustave Gibson, the Northcote Police telling Magistrates that this Push caused more trouble that all the other groups combined.

In 1919 a battle between the Fairfield Park Push and the Harper Street Push prompted the Northcote Council to request from the State Government the increase in the number of police serving in Northcote. By the early 20s these gangs appeared to have disappeared from the scene.


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