Greensborough ghost story

In March 2004 the Age reported on a Mrs Bell who had come to live in Greensborough in 1943 with her one year old son.  The house they moved into dated back to the 1840s.  They grew their own vegetables and fruit, caught fish from the river and shot rabbits.  They had no electricity or piped water.  They pumped water from the river, had a wood stove, kerosene and gas lamps.  Mrs Bell baked her own bread until 1994. Mrs Bell was quoted as saying “she came into the kitchen one night and saw a little girl, who simply faded away when Mrs Bell drew closer.  At another time, she says, she saw a man in 19th century clothes leading two little boys by the hand as they came up the steps from the river.  Neither experience was scary.  It was only later, she says, that she learned of two little boys buried on the hillside, under jonquils which bloom in profusion each year, and on a little gitsl buried under a peach tree.  This tree died and Mrs Bell planted a chestnut in its place.  It has never borne a chestnut.

Mrs Bell may have been referring to what we know as the Greensborough Pioneer Grave site.


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