Brian Holt

Brian is 75 years old growing up in Sydney attending school at Fairfield secondary. and now lives in Eltham.

Brian is a member of quite a large family having 4 brothers and 4 sisters,

His father was a part of the war and was held in a prison from 1942-1945 he met his father in October 1945, he then became a tram conductor for 12 months and then worked in a factory for another 12 months, they then bought a house next to the Richmond Air Base and Brian’s father got a job driving bulldozers at the Air Base.

Brian has been married to Sandra for 15 years who he has 2 daughters with, Wendy & Rachel. Sandra is a Psychiatric nurse.

His first job was as a labourer at a flower mill, in 1955 he became a boiler maker and continued that for 35 years, even working on the Westgate Bridge.

In 1989 he did a 4 year fine arts degree in pottery at Melbourne University.

Within Brian’s life he has also always enjoyed photography, mostly taking photos at weddings and landscape photography, he had photos displayed at an exhibition in Yarraville.

Tom Cooper, interviewed Brian Holt as apart of a Eltham High School VCAL Project, “Stories Of My Life”.



Wikinorthia is managed by the Local and Family History Librarian at Yarra Plenty Regional Library

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