Ben Morgan

Cr. Ben (Baden) Morgan

Ben Morgan (c1901-1985) was of Welsh background and  Northcote councilor, union organiser and ALP member.  Councilor for seventeen years  from 1959/60 to 1975/6 though was never a mayor.

From 1941 lived at 115 Roberts St. in Northcote.

A boilermaker by trade, employed at the Newport railway yards.  Was actively involved with the boilermakers union.

In 1959 he stood for South Ward (Northcote council) after the resignation of Cr. B G Stewart.  There was a by-election slated for 21 March.  However as there was no other opponent he was duly elected unopposed, thus no by-election. By the 18 March he was already sitting at his first council meeting!   Cr Len Hales was chairman of his campaign committee.

He was a member “for some years of the Westgarth ALP branch.”  Also a member of the Northcote Bowling Club.

A reserve in his name is located crnr Jackson and Roberts Streets.


Wikinorthia is managed by the Local and Family History Librarian at Yarra Plenty Regional Library

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