Edward Richard Crosswell

Edward Richard Crosswell, J.P. Whittlesea, was born at Ulandisilio, Wales, in 1827, and received a college education with the intention of his becoming curate to the Rev. D. Lewis, M.A., a connection of the family. In 1856 he left England, and arrived in Hobart Town, Tasmania, from which, on the recommendation of R. Lewis and Sons of that place, he came to Melbourne in the same year. The Hons, John Bell and J. G. Francis, to whom he bore letters of introduction, both took an interest in him, and he obtained the managership of Mr Henry Phillips’ place, Lovely banks, near Geelong, where he remained for about twelve months. He then obtained the managership of Tatook, the property of Misses Gavan, and remained there for six or seven years, when, with the object of still further advancing himself, he went to the Wimmera, and was manager for Mr. T. Edols for eighteen months.

He then bought a farm on the Yan Yean, where he has remained ever since. He is also owner of city and suburban property, and holds Her Majesty’s commission of the peace. In 1865, Mr Crosswell married the only daughter of Major Newman, and has a family of seven children.

From Victoria and its Metropolis: Past and Present, 1888 by Alexander Sutherland.
Chapter –, “Bourke District” page 422. Includes descriptions of some townships and short biographies of local residents.


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