The Albert Street Milkbar on Albert Street in Brunswick was located opposite the East Brunswick High School and down the road from the Kortex Knitwear factory.
We bought the milkbar business when we moved back from the USA in 1978. We opened the shop every morning at 7.30am and closed at 11pm every night. The milkbar was divided in half. One side was the deli and sold sandwiches, milk, cigarettes, sliced meat, canned food, snacks, and lollies. The other half sold cooked food, drinks and ice creams. At the back of the shop we had the storage and food preparation area, chip machine, potato peeler machine and large storage fridge. At the front of the milkbar we had 2 big glass windows. Through the windows you could see our video games and pinball machines.
The busiest times of the day were morning tea, the mad lunch rush and after school rush. Neighbours used to congregate to chat inside the shop. It was a very multicultural area with Lebanese, Greek, Italian, Turkish and Australians all living and working nearby.
We have good memories of the Milkbar and made some good friends, some of whom we are still in contact with.