John Cain (1931 – ) 1When John Cain was born in 1931 his father was the Labor Deputy Opposition Leader of Victoria. John Cain Senior went onto to lead Victoria as Premier on three separate occasions before his death in 1957. With such a strong political presence in his life it was no surprise when […]
Author: tlewis

Living in a Brunswick terrace 1940 – 1953 – Part 3
Continued from Living in a Brunswick 1940 – 1953 terrace Part 1 Living in a Brunswick terrace 1940 – 1953 Part 2 My Mate Joe After starting work in 1948 I continued hanging out and holidaying with my school mate Joe for some years until the end of my bachelor days. This is Joe and […]
Growing up in Pascoe Vale
I started school at the Catholic school in Kensington and soon after we moved to Pascoe Vale. That would have been about 1940 or 1941. I started at Pascoe Vale Primary School then all the Catholic children transferred to Blessed Oliver Plunckett’s. We spent many years in Ray Street, Pascoe Vale. Most people in the […]
Catherine Clinton
Brunswick Pioneer Passes MRS CATHERINE MARY CLINTON, AGED 92 Interesting reminiscences recalled By her passing away at the Sacred Heart Hospital on August 29, Brunswick has lost another of its oldest colonists in Mrs Catherine Mary Clinton, who had reached the age of 92 years, during 80 of which she has been a resident of […]
Why study history
Why study history? by Kathy Shiels for the Brunswick Community History Group newsletter ‘Fusion’ July 2003 p4-5. ‘Stop writing that note!’ I boomed at the fourteen year old girl at the back of the room. I thought despairingly, ‘Aren’t they interested in anything but the next party?’ From the content of the previous notes that […]

Brunswick Community History Group Inc
Brunswick Community History Group (BCHG) is a community-based organisation interested in the history of our local area. BCHG is interested in all aspects of history – research, reminiscences, families, historic buildings, documents, and photographs. Our AimsThrough our members, BCHG aims to• Foster a greater appreciation of Brunswick’s history and urban environment• Increase community access to […]

Living in a Brunswick terrace 1940 – 1953 – Part 2
Living in a Brunswick Terrace part 1 8 year old Kevin in the kitchen One day when home alone, I decided to cook dinner for Mum and Dad. I fried up bacon and eggs using dripping from the jam tin container in the kitchen cupboard which stored dripping saved from other meals. A surprised Mum […]

Living in a Brunswick terrace 1940 – 1953 – Part 1
Part 1 By Kevin in Diamond Creek – the following reminiscences are not necessarily in chronological order. In 1940 we moved to a terrace in Donald Street, North Brunswick. It was a house from another time with a remnant gaslight fitting in one room, and at the end of the yard was a pull the chain […]