Brunswick Pioneer Passes MRS CATHERINE MARY CLINTON, AGED 92 Interesting reminiscences recalled
By her passing away at the Sacred Heart Hospital on August 29, Brunswick has lost another of its oldest colonists in Mrs Catherine Mary Clinton, who had reached the age of 92 years, during 80 of which she has been a resident of Brunswick. For 50 years she resided at 14 Brunswick Rd, East Brunswick. She was able to recall many incidents of interest. She was a daughter of the late Michael and Ann Lynch, early settlers of North Melbourne, formerly Hotham Hill, where they were hotel keepers. Later Miss Lynch married Mr James Clinton, a wheelwright and coachbuilder at Sandridge (now Port Melbourne), at St Francis Church, Melbourne.
She took up residence in Collingwood, subsequently coming to East Brunswick. In her reminiscences she recalled canvas constructed shanties with stone and mud chimneys on the banks of the Merri and Moonee Ponds creeks amidst white bluegum trees and saplings; also women with their dusky attendants and armfuls of washing to be done in the pools of the creek waters. She was able to describe vividly corroborees by the blacks in parts of North Fitzroy and Prince’s Hill; also how they came from all parts with their lubras and children to participate under the Blacks Protector (Mr Thomas), who with members of the Pilkington family supervised the allocation of blankets and commodities.
Mrs Clinton was present at the departure from Royal Park of the Burke and Wills and King’s ill-fated exploring expeditions, with their camels and provisions. She recalled the carrying of merchandise along Sydney Rd. by donkey and bullock teams, the arrivals of Cobb and Co.’s 4-horsedrawn mail coaches, the construction of Sydney Rd by prison gangs from Collingwood stockade, and the laying of a steel track on the east side to the Haymarket; the Royal visitation of the Prince, along Union St to the homestead of the late Mickey Dawson (an early West Brunswick inhabitant of notoriety, who presented to Brunswick Council the sites used for the Town Hall, Market, Electric Buildings, and Baths, also for St Ambrose Church). The Orange Riots in Brunswick in 1897 were also recalled.
Mrs Clinton, who was a relation of Mr Clinton, the well-known Australian vocalist, leaves three sons – Ernest, Herbert, and Norman, and two daughters – Florence (Mrs Edwards) and Mabel (Mrs Bourke). The funeral took place on Friday, the remains being buried in the Melbourne Cemetery in the presence of many old friends. Rev. Father Egan, of the Sacred Heart Church, Carlton, officiated, and Mulqueen and Sons carried out the funeral arrangements.
Reprinted courtesy of Leader Community Newspapers
Original article in Brunswick Sentinel, 6 September 1945