Gwen Anglin

Gwen was born in Coburg Melbourne. She grew up in Beremboke, Geelong and lived on a farm. She had 5 brothers and 4 sisters, and grew up with animals such as sheep, cows, chooks and more.

Gwen attended a small country school with 20 students from years 1 to 8. She then attended a business college and studied for 12 months. She then went straight into work in an office doing accounting work.

Gwen got married at 20 years old and went on her honeymoon for a week, she then got pregnant and had her first born Peter.

They then took a holiday to Melbourne, sold their farm and moved to Brunswick. They bought land in Pascoe Vale and built their own house. They then had 3 more children, Paul, Kevin and Christine. Gwen then had grandchildren. Gwen’s father, William, was born in 1880. Gwen’s mother, Theresa, was born in 1889.

Gwen enjoyed playing tennis when she was a teenager and her favourite flowers are yellow roses. Her favourite foods are apple custard tart and a good cooked roast. She also enjoys stew and tea.

Gwen would describe her life as peaceful.

Gwen had a quote: “Always play hard to get. If you haven’t found anyone in 10 years, don’t listen to Gwen!”

Thank you to Gwen for letting us listen about her life and all the things she did. We had a wonderful time and we will miss you.

Love, Alanah and Cassie

Met Gwen Anglin @ 61 Edwin St Heidelberg Heights, Sir William Hall Hostel

July/August 2014 as part of the Stories of My Life Project

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