My History living in Moreland Interview conducted in Glenroy by a council worker
Irene is a lady in her 80s living in Glenroy. She was born in Germany and left in her twenties to live in England because of the lack of employment after World War 2. After the war, the American occupational troops were stationed in Germany and Irene understood they were there to make sure there was no rebellion. There were a lot of changes at that time – even the currency had to be changed because Hitler’s image was everywhere. Once Irene arrived in Australia she was sponsored by a couple for ten pounds. She worked in England as a nursing aid for 15 years. When living in England Irene encountered racism because she spoke German. In Austalia, Irene worked in Administration for Ansett Airways and described the workplace as “like a family”. Irene decided to save up for a house instead of buying a car. Irene is very creative and she is a particularly keen embroiderer. Irene would also like to mention she is impressed by the care she has received from the council since she became unwell.