The October 1839 arrival of the David Clark brought the first British assisted immigrants direct to the Port Phillip District. Speaking at a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the arrival, a descendant described the ship as “Victoria’s Mayflower.” At that time, the descendants of the 229 passengers were estimated at 3,000, “and its passengers […]
Patrick Dynan
Patrick Dynan Junior, Yan Yean, is a native of Ireland, who came to Australia in 1854 at the age of twelve months, with his parents. The first trip he made on his own account was to the North-Eastern district, from which, after a stay of some time, he went to Yan Yean, where he took […]
George Dyer
George Dyer, Thomastown, was born in England in 1820, and came to Victoria in 1841. After working for twelve months on a farm at Gardiner’s Creek, and five years more as a farm hand in various other places, he went to his present location in 1857, and bought 600 acres of land at £3 5s. […]
William Duncan
Duncan, William J.P. Greensborough, was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, whence he emigrated to Queensland with his wife and three children in 1866. He remained in Queensland for four and a-half years, and then came to Melbourne, and removed to Greensborough, where he first rented and then purchased land and carried on farming, and there, he […]
Leigh Trevaskis – Glenroy Library 1971
In 1971, I was 17 and attending Oak Park High School in Plumpton Ave, Oak Park. I was in Year 12 and hoping to do well enough to get into university to become an English teacher. I liked to wear jeans but could only afford Wrangler, not Levi or Lee. I listened to music by […]
John Daniel
John Daniel Whittlesea, was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and arrived in Melbourne in 1858. First engaging in farm work at Kangaroo Ground, he went thence in 1860 to the Baw Baw diggings in Gippsland, where he might have succeeded but for the want of provisions. After two months’ there he returned to Melbourne, and started […]
Sylvester John Brown
Captain Sylvester Brown was one of Heidelberg’s first settlers. He began to purchase land in what is now Eaglemont from 1838 onwards and soon owned 313 acres. He also purchased land in Toorak, and a large holding in Northcote in addition to various blocks of land in what is now the City of Melbourne. By […]
Edward Richard Crosswell
Edward Richard Crosswell, J.P. Whittlesea, was born at Ulandisilio, Wales, in 1827, and received a college education with the intention of his becoming curate to the Rev. D. Lewis, M.A., a connection of the family. In 1856 he left England, and arrived in Hobart Town, Tasmania, from which, on the recommendation of R. Lewis and […]
Charles Creighton
Charles Creighton, Hazel Glen, was born in Cumberland, England in 1846, and came to Australia in 1852. He first went to Bundoora, and then to his present premises, on which he has been farming successfully for fifteen years. He was married in 1874. From Victoria and its Metropolis: Past and Present, 1888 by Alexander Sutherland. […]
Horatio Cooper
“Horatio Cooper, Bundoora (deceased) was born in England in 1806, and was married in Tasmania 18th October, 1836, his widow (born in 1816) haveing been in the colony for nine years. They arrived in Melbourne in Janaury 1837, and Mr Cooper commenced a custom-house agency, had charge of Government stores, and control of the rations […]