A prime piece of real estate in Noel Street, Ivanhoe (now part of Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School) was donated to the Ivanhoe Presbyterian Church by Mr R. W. Kennedy of “Ravenswood”, Lower Heidelberg Road in December 1914. It was “of sufficiently large dimensions to serve the cause for all time”. The church which was founded […]
Tag: Church

Plenty Church
After many long years, The former Plenty Uniting Church was moved mid August, from its site on the corner of Yan Yean Road, Plenty surrounded by trees – to the Heritage Park alongside the Plenty Hall. With the huge impact of the road realignment and loss of 2800 trees, the church has been saved for […]

The Great European War Eltham Honour Roll at Saint Margaret’s Anglican Church Eltham
Introduction On the south wall of the 1861 Church of Saint Margaret at Eltham is an Honour Roll of those men and women from the Eltham district who served in the Great European War from 1914 to 1918. Many were directly connected to Saint Margaret’s. It is inscribed Eltham Honour Roll 1914 Great European War […]

Diamond Valley Parish of the Uniting Church in Australia
The Diamond Valley Parish of the Uniting Church began as an outpost of the Heidelberg Primitive Methodist Mission over 150 years ago. Worship services commenced in a barn near the site of the present Diamond Creek East Primary School in the spring of 1861. The Primitive Methodist Church originated in nineteenth century England and followed […]

Janefield Presbyterian Church / St Petka’s Madedonian Church, Mill Park
This three –bay bluestone Gothic Church was built in 1861. It is believed to have been designed by Patrick Scanlon. The Advertiser described it as “a fine model of a country church” when it opened. The community were mainly Scottish settlers in a rural pastoral area. On the west end, there is a gabled porch […]

St Katherine’s Church, St Helena
The story of St. Katherine’s Church begins on the Island of St Helena in the Atlantic ocean, where Anthony Beale was born on 3 November 1790. Anthony became Paymaster for the East India Company which then controlled the island on behalf of the British Crown. On 15 June 1814 he married Katherine Rose Young, niece […]

Westgarthtown Lutheran Cemetery
Original article titled: In Urban Lalor the ancient craft of dry stone walling encloses an historical oasis From Inherit Heritage Council Magazine Issue 21 March 2005. From Westgarthtown — A History and Guide by Robert Wuchatsch and David Harris (revised 2004 edition, published by the Friends of Westgarthtown). Situated on the corner of German Lane […]
Hazel Glen Wesleyan Church
‘Methodists’ was the name given to members of the Holy Club at Oxford University which included the 18th century Anglican evangelist John Wesley, the founder of Methodism. The term arose ‘from the methodical manner in which they regulated their study and religious observance’. In 1795, four years after the death of John Wesley, the Methodist […]
Diamond Valley Baptist Church
Situated near the Yan Yean/Diamond Creek Roads intersection, at 309 Diamond Creek Road, Plenty and snuggled into a hollow, passers by may not realise that this Baptist church when built in 1985 was the largest mud brick structure in Australia. Construction commenced in 1983. The large vertical timbers are reclaimed piles from the old Nelson […]

St Mary’s Church, Preston
Reported in The Argus, 06 June 1865 The Argus noted the “the laying of the foundation stone, or more strictly speaking (the building being already partly erected), the laying of the corner stone on an acre of land near the seven mile post on the Upper Plenty Road”. The land was donated to the Church […]