GORDON THOMAS HUTCHINSON HIS FAMILY Gordon was born on 15th January 1937. Gordon has a big family he has 3 brothers and 5 sisters Joy, Beverley, Pauline, Ruth, Peter, Sheirley, Robert and Rex.In 1959 Gordon got engaged to ann and then in 1960 they got married 3 year later on the 5th of march they […]
Tag: Eltham Library

Eltham Library reminscences
As Eltham Library looked forward to its 20th birthday in May 2014, the community were asked to contribute their stories and memories about the library: Staff and borrowers contributed the following: This year the Eltham Library became a temporary refuge centre during the Warrandyte fires. It was Sunday and nothing else was open so many […]

The Libraries of Eltham Township 1930s – 1994
The following was written in 1994 when Eltham Library opened. People who use the current library in the Shire Office building may think that the new Eltham Library is the first replacement library in Eltham. However this is not the case. The records show that children’s and adult’s books have been available in various forms of private […]

Where is Platy?
Where is Platy?….usually when one of the young grandchildren has a question I have at least some kind of an answer. This time I didn’t, I had no idea where Platy had gone. Whenever they visited the Eltham Library they would say hello to Platy, often accompanied by a little touch or pat on the […]