Andy was born in Bentleigh on February 14, 1944. He Moved house to Heidelberg at age 5. Andy attended Heidelberg state school, he walked 1.5km every morning to get there. Andy then moved to watsonia tech. Qualifications: Fitting and turning tradesman, Diploma of production engineering 1961 started a 5 year fitting and turning apprenticeship. 1st […]
Tag: Eltham

Gordon’s Life
Gordon Barfield Born 1946 Woodford London England Gordons first memory was falling into the fire at age 3 Gordons dad was in RNVR (royal navy voluntary reserve) Horse and cart delivered milk every morning. The milk was half frozen half warm because they put the milk that was frozen on the heater. He hated milk […]

Stephen Thomas Anthony Sommerville
Stephen Thomas Anthony Sommerville Born: 15/2/1952 Age: 64 Nicknames: Dug Married 3 times, had 3 kids with his 1st wife 16 years with first wife – was good but didn’t work out 8 years with second wife – was bad but learned from it 10 years with current wife – going good Childhood grew up […]

Gordon’s life story
GORDON THOMAS HUTCHINSON HIS FAMILY Gordon was born on 15th January 1937. Gordon has a big family he has 3 brothers and 5 sisters Joy, Beverley, Pauline, Ruth, Peter, Sheirley, Robert and Rex.In 1959 Gordon got engaged to ann and then in 1960 they got married 3 year later on the 5th of march they […]

Greg Mitchell stories of my life
Greg was born in Norwood Adelaide in August 1946. As a young man he played footy he was also a keen surf lifesaver. Greg went to Norwood Primary School and then to Le Fevre boys technical High School. After leaving school Greg finished high school at the age of 17. He worked as a refrigerator […]

Dennis James Yarwood’s story
About Jim… Name: Dennis James (Jim) Yarwood. DOB: 9/11/1949 (67 years of age) Hobbies/Sports: Jim was the captain of the school baseball team in year 7. He also coached tennis on Saturday mornings as he really enjoyed that. He also played football and cricket which he loved. Family Members […]

Harry Morris
Biography Harry Morris Born 20th March 1950 Third person named Henry in his family Occupation – Electronics Technical Officer Retired 10 years ago School Went to Westbreen Primary School Then attended Glenroy Technical School For most subjects Harry was an average student but was very interested in maths and physics Harry’s main reading material were […]

Nicholas Grange
Growing up in Lancashire Wigan an old mining town, nicks career’s started young. At the age of 9 he worked at a grocery. Grocery’s back then aren’t like the ones we have today, they were much more personalised instead of buying for the week you would buy for the day, because you couldn’t keep food […]

Eric Percy William Johnson
•Eric is 89 years of age 11/1/1927 and lives in Eltham, he has a daughter who teaches at this school in Visual Communications and Design. •Eric has three grandchildren that went to this school. •He grew up in Balwyn north (kew) •Aged 14 Eric left school in 1941, he went to Shepparton for the war […]

Bruce Owen’s Journey
GROWING UP Bruce was born in 1948 Bruce started Primary School in 1954. He went to Preston East Primary School In the late years of primary school Bruce joined the St John’s ambulance Bruce then went to Ivanhoe Grammar for years 7-11. In form 2 Bruce joined the school army cadets and during the 3-4 […]