James Aitken, Epping, was born in Lanarkshire, Scotland, in 1837, and landed in Brisbane, Queensland in 1865. Eighteeen months later he came to Victoria, and began living in Melbourne for a year, and at Kilmore for three months. He settled in Epping in 1868, and worked at his trade as journey-man blacksmith there until 1873, […]
Tag: Epping

Thomas A. Ahern
Ahearn, Thomas A. Epping (deceased) was born in Tipperary, Ireland in 1827, and arrived in Melbourne in March 1841. After farming for two years and paying a two years’ visit to New Zealand, he returned to Victoria, and went to the shearing on some of the principal stations up country, and settled down for a […]

Lochaber Farm
Lochaber cottage was home to two generations of the Smith Family, located at the present address of 45 Harvest Home Road, Epping. Two of the twelve Smith children are pictured here with their father in front of their bluestone farmhouse in c.1918. “Mr Robert Smith (pictured at right) spent his lifetime in this and surrounding […]

World War 1 : Casualty : Eric William McLelland (Epping)
Eric McClelland‘s attestation suggests no other address for his parents “both solely supported by me” than c/- Shire Hall, Epping. The image shows McClelland’s butcher’s shop and house, High Street, Epping, pictured circa 1900. Family members not identified. They would have needed little introduction to the area, having been established and in the butchery business […]

William Sweetingham – The Epping shoemaker
Tucked away on the northern fringe of the Aurora development at Epping is Sweetingham Lane. I found it on Google Maps from my desk here in England whilst researching my family history. I was sure the lane was named after my ancestor but could I prove it? William Sweetingham was born in Southampton in 1811 […]

Early days of Thomastown and Lalor
A Sunday School picnic from Thornbury as a child, used to be to either the Presbyterian church at Epping or Whittlesea. Epping road was only bitumen barely wide enough for two cars, with gravel on the sides, and most of the side roads were unmade until 1964. The original (Thomastown) Doctors surgery was a tin […]

Cooking is fun and entertaining
By Arthur B.W. Yong JP, Dr. Keong Choong, Peter Green Food is an important part of our life. You wonder why people cook. People cook because they have to eat and do not have to starve. Housewives cook meals for their families. Some people cook as an occupation. Arthur Yong recalled that growing up in […]

Northern Hospital
By Arthur B.W. Yong JP, Cr Frank Merlino and Maureen Corrigan OAM (2009) In 2009, Arthur Yong got hold of a press release entitled “Huge Funding Boost for Northern Health Project”, which announced funding to go towards the Northern Health Academic and Research Precinct. The flowering of the Epping health precinct around the Northern Hospital […]

Epping District Roads Board
Local government in Darebin can trace its roots back to 1841 and the establishment of the District Council of the County of Bourke. Drawing its members from prominent local landowners, it included Thomas Wills, Alexander McCrae and Major G.F. St. John. The District Council was an advisory body, reporting to the Superintendent of Victoria on […]