by Susan Webster The Heidelberg Voice, August 1, 1979 page 6 Modern memory encompasses two world wars. In those two battles we saw the shift from the importance of armed men to military machines. Yet in any war, no matter how much technology is deployed, the human element of man fighting man will still be […]
Tag: Heidelberg

Heidelberg in World War 1
Based on a talk by Cyril Cummins and published as “Heidelberg in World War 1 and II in the Heidelberg Historian No 138 June 1990 Living in Heidelberg during the years of World War I and World War II was one of great contrast to other years in its history. When World War I broke […]

The Shire of Whittlesea: the Outbreak of War
According to the Municipal Directory of 1918, the Shire of Whittlesea comprised Arthur’s Creek, Bruce’s Creek, Bundoora, Doreen, Eden Park, Epping (population 625), Mernda, South Yan Yean (700), Merriang, Morang (South, 725), Nutfield, Scrubby Creek, Tanck’s Corner, Thomastown (283), Whittlesea (800), Woollert, Woodstock (275) and Yan Yean. All of the place names today remain with […]

A Gift from Egypt
In 1917, a young soldier on leave took a day trip down Port Phillip Bay in the excursion steamer Reliance. On the return trip, while there was a “sing-song” around the piano, he was joined where he was sitting apart, by a young girl to whom he’d been introduced earlier, “and we talked.” Sam continued, […]

Andy Williams
Andy was born in Bentleigh on February 14, 1944. He Moved house to Heidelberg at age 5. Andy attended Heidelberg state school, he walked 1.5km every morning to get there. Andy then moved to watsonia tech. Qualifications: Fitting and turning tradesman, Diploma of production engineering 1961 started a 5 year fitting and turning apprenticeship. 1st […]

Diamond Valley Parish of the Uniting Church in Australia
The Diamond Valley Parish of the Uniting Church began as an outpost of the Heidelberg Primitive Methodist Mission over 150 years ago. Worship services commenced in a barn near the site of the present Diamond Creek East Primary School in the spring of 1861. The Primitive Methodist Church originated in nineteenth century England and followed […]

Racecourses of the north – Heidelberg
The exact location of the Heidelberg course – or courses – is generally accredited to be at the Heidelberg Cricket Ground and one report from 1880 has jockeys weighing-in in the cricket pavilion, but whether this represents today’s layout of Warringal Park is uncertain. . Today’s cricket ground is to the north of the Warringal […]

World War 1 : Women in Uniform
The City of Brunswick : Elizabeth Gertrude FLEMING Annie Frances GRIFFIN Mabel Lucy HUTCHINSON Linda FLOWER Alice Elizabeth KITCHEN/KITCHIN Blanche Catherine KILSBY Charlotte Joan McALLISTER (O.B.E) Flora MELVILLE Elvina Mary OVEREND BLANCHE Lily RICKETTS Sarah Jane PROCTER Olive Mary ROSE Florence WILLANS Blodywn Elizabeth WILLIAMS The Town of Coburg : Milanie Treleavan AMBLER Octavia Ione […]

World War 1 Casualties : The Shire of Heidelberg
World War 1 : The Shire of Heidelberg The original scope of the project was to research the areas covered by the Yarra Plenty Regional Library, i.e. the existing municipalities of Banyule, Nillumbik and Whittlesea. This proved somewhat difficult in assess just where some of the outlying settlements would have fitted into today’s topology, hence a later decision was to instead take Dr. […]

The Shire of Heidelberg : Boer War Volunteers
Given the total number of Victorians that volunteered and were accepted for the Boer War was only around 3,600, the enlistments from Heidelberg Shire were not great (volunteering and being accepted were two different things – most of the contingents raised had far more men offer their services than could actually be fitted into the restricted number of places available. There […]