After many long years, The former Plenty Uniting Church was moved mid August, from its site on the corner of Yan Yean Road, Plenty surrounded by trees – to the Heritage Park alongside the Plenty Hall. With the huge impact of the road realignment and loss of 2800 trees, the church has been saved for […]
Tag: Plenty

A Local Diamond Creek Boy
Friday, 24 April, 2015 was a beautiful sunny day, the wind a little chilly, but the view from the paddock of Sutherland Homes in Diamond Creek was beautiful and peaceful, the soft rolling hills of Plenty, and the view looking towards the Kinglake Ranges was breath taking. It was to be a memorable day; the […]

Plenty Craft Group
The Plenty Craft Group was started after a meeting was called by Mrs. Kath Heard in early 1983, and originally called the Plenty Art and Craft Group. Kath had grandchildren attending the Plenty Primary School at the time and her own children had also attended the school. For the first few years we met at […]

Plenty Memorial Gates
In September 1945, the Federal Government offered funding to municipalities to establish War Memorials in various localities. A local committee of residents (called Plenty War Memorial Community Centre) was formed following a public meeting with the objective of planning an appropriate memorial. In attendance at this public meeting were: Cr W Elwers, Mrs L Elwers, […]

Bridge over the Plenty at Morang/Mernda
Today, passing over the Plenty River on Bridge Inn Road Mernda is done without any thought as to just how this crossing was once negotiated. Opening up communication with the interior of the County of Evelyn, and the goldfields of St Andrews The 1850’s and 60’s saw great prosperity in the Region – fuelled by […]

Plenty River Bridge
The following article is reproduced by permission of Noel Withers and extracted from “Banyule City Council Spring Outdoors Programme 2008: Greensborough & the Plenty River Pioneer Trail with Dennis Ward & Noel Withers. A ramble from the lower part of town and along the river bank learning about historic sites and the pioneering families that […]
Diamond Valley Baptist Church
Situated near the Yan Yean/Diamond Creek Roads intersection, at 309 Diamond Creek Road, Plenty and snuggled into a hollow, passers by may not realise that this Baptist church when built in 1985 was the largest mud brick structure in Australia. Construction commenced in 1983. The large vertical timbers are reclaimed piles from the old Nelson […]

Sutherland Homes for Children
The first part of the following article is extracted from the booklet: “Selina M Sutherland – Her Life Story and Work” by J C Jessop and contributed by Neisha Forbes Plenty Historical Society Miss Selina Sutherland was the significant person who set up the Sutherland Homes for Children, prior to the organization moving out to […]