In 1932 Margaret Williams became a Brownie at 1st Elsternwick Brownies Pack, on the Hotham Street corner, meeting on Saturday afternoons. With three younger brothers, her mother had enrolled her in this all-girls’ activity. Margaret progressed into Girl Guides and joined the 1st Elsternwick Guides Company in 1935 until her family moved to 63 Altona […]
Tag: Rosanna

Rosanna Library Lovers
Next year my family have lived in Banyule for 50 years. I am now 80 years and have been an avid reader since childhood, my family share this passion. The library has been an important focus from school projects, special interests, reference, discussions and leisure. I love books, the jacket, capturing your interest, the design, type face, margins, […]

Rosanna Primary School 1972 -1978
One of my first memories of school in the 70’s was drinking the milk in the morning. A large truck would deliver the milk which was left under the trees and the milk monitor would collect the milk bottles for the class. As we all sat in a circle on the floor, one student would […]

Rosanna Golf Club
The Rosanna Golf Club is situated in a picturesque valley where the Plenty and Yarra rivers meet and is a popular destination for golfers. Its’s website provides a good history of golfing in the area. The following are summarised news articles from “The Heidelberger” July 1966 The East Rosanna Progress Association is seeking the views […]

Living in Banyule Road
I enjoy living in Banyule Road because there are so many benefits. I have have friendly neighbours, a primary school, easy access to ViewBank College, Residential Age Care Respite care and a bus service across the road and a Shared Trail close by. Since I moved into Banyule Road many years ago, one of my […]
Rosanna Golf Links Primary School Once a Farm, Now a School
When I drive past Rosanna Golf Links Primary School it brings back childhood memories. The site was part of a 17 acre (6.8 hectares) property owned by my parents, Bonnie and Harry Banfield. My little white pony grazed over the area, and later when I was older and had outgrown Silver, my horse Percy did […]

Rosanna Views
Particulars of Sale of Freehold land at Heidelberg All that piece of land being part of Crown portion 5 Parish of Keelbundora County of Bourke and being lot 13 on plan of subdivision No 4658 lodged in the Office of Titles together with a right of carriage way over Heidelberg Avenue* shown on said plan’. […]