When I drive past Rosanna Golf Links Primary School it brings back childhood memories. The site was part of a 17 acre (6.8 hectares) property owned by my parents, Bonnie and Harry Banfield. My little white pony grazed over the area, and later when I was older and had outgrown Silver, my horse Percy did […]
Tag: Schools

Panton Hill Primary School Honour Board
Information for the following article from local historian Danielle Clode with permission. In 2008 the World War 1 Honour Board located at Panton Hill Primary School was refurbished. (From grant funding received under the Restoring Community War Memorials Grants Program 2006-7). Part of this project was a research project into the names on the board. Some […]
Morang South Primary School No. 1975
“The Morang South Primary School opened on 1 November 1877 under head teacher Thomas Doyle. The neat bluestone building, with attached four-room residence, had been erected by Richard Davies at a cost of 796 pounds 18s.6d. It stood on four acres formerly reserved for a cemetery. Although the school was designed to accommodate fifty pupils […]

Ivanhoe Primary School Memories 1960s
This article is one in a series of Ivanhoe Primary School Memories (2004) Extracts from the Supplement to Slab Hut to Red Brick: the history of Ivanhoe Primary School (2004) compiled by Theresa Casteltevetere, Dianne Fox and Louise Ryan, including recollections of former students & staff. Rhonda Matties: 1960s The following are snippets of memory […]

Ivanhoe Primary School Memories 1950s
Extracts from the Supplement to Slab Hut to Red Brick: the history of Ivanhoe Primary School (2004) compiled by Theresa Casteltevetere, Dianne Fox and Louise Ryan, including recollections of former students & staff and articles from Ivanhoe Primary School Memories. Access at Yarra Plenty Regional Library Nola Buzza (nee Booth): 1949-1954 I have very happy […]

Ivanhoe Primary School memories 1920s and 1930s
Extracts from the Supplement to Slab Hut to Red Brick: the history of Ivanhoe Primary School (2004) compiled by Theresa Casteltevetere, Dianne Fox and Louise Ryan, including recollections of former students & staff. My name is Daniel Nolan. I am in Grade Five at Ivanhoe Primary School and my family has a long association with […]

Greensborough State School Reminiscences
Extracted with permission from “Centenary of education in Greensborough 1854-1954” (Greensborough State School no. 2062) p. 25 – 27 These are some of the many stories of the school in Mr. Amiet’s day. (Mr Louis Amiet, head teacher 1896-1919) “… Mr. Amiet had a dog called Brunzo that he had taught to obey commands given […]

One of the most advanced residential centres for mentally handicapped children in Australia, at the time of opening in Greensborough in 1967, the St. John of God centre, Churinga, off Diamond Creek Rd, Greensborough opened in July of that year. The centre was moved from Cheltenham to make way for Southland. It provided residential care […]