Summary Daughters of John Ross with their Aunt Jane McMahon is believed to have been taken around when the youngest was around five years old. That would date the photo as circa 1902. From left to right, it is believed to be Barbara Christina Ross (6), Helen Mary Ross (10), Jane Curtain McMahon (33), Mary […]
Tag: Whittlesea

A Restoration Journey
Horse drawn carts & drays were commonly used by early farmers of the Plenty Valley for general farm use. This 1880’s cart spent its working life in the ownership of the Hurrey family at the historic “Craigie Lee” farm, Yan Yean. It was used to carry sheaves of oaten hay and cans of milk from […]

Robert Garrick Wilson
Despite being the highest ranking and the oldest serviceman connected from Whittlesea to die in service during the Great War (and the only full-time soldier), Robert Garrick Wilson for some reason does not rate a mention on any of the Memorials erected around the Shire. Even more surprisingly, his considerable contribution to Australia’s war effort […]

Portrait of Harriet
Harriet Wright was a pioneer and settler in the Plenty District. It is often difficult to find records of women at this time but for Harriet a hint of her pedigree is given on her headstone in Yan Yean Cemetery (Whittlesea): Sacred To the memory of HARRIET WRIGHT Second daughter of JOSEPH WRIGHT ESQ. Artist […]

The Olney Family of Whittlesea
The Olney Family of Whittlesea – WW1 by Gayle Thwaites I am not sure if my great grandfather Allan Murdoch “Murdie” Olney had been allowed to enlist in World War One (WW1), whether or not I would be here today to tell this story. I take it as a blessing that he was not allowed […]

The Shire of Whittlesea: the Outbreak of War
According to the Municipal Directory of 1918, the Shire of Whittlesea comprised Arthur’s Creek, Bruce’s Creek, Bundoora, Doreen, Eden Park, Epping (population 625), Mernda, South Yan Yean (700), Merriang, Morang (South, 725), Nutfield, Scrubby Creek, Tanck’s Corner, Thomastown (283), Whittlesea (800), Woollert, Woodstock (275) and Yan Yean. All of the place names today remain with […]

Whittlesea War Memorial
BROWN, Donald – Pte 6971 14 Bn.AIF ` Died: 26 September 1917 – Belgium BUTLER, Henry – Pte 2941 8 Reinforcements, 22 Bn. AIF Died: 14 July 1915 CHETTLE, Thomas – Pte 1581 14 Bn. AIF Died: 7 August 1915 – Dardenelles COOK, Phillip Edward – Cpl 4470 46 Bn. […]

Whittlesea’s Great War (L to Z)
(See also A – K) The two entries comprise a list of all known volunteers for World War One service from the Shire of Whittlesea (as per 1918 boundaries) compiled from local newspaper reports, honour boards erected around the district and an exhaustive search of records held in National Archives and the Australian War Memorial. […]

Whittlesea’s Great War (A to K)
(See also L to Z) These two entries comprise a list of all known volunteers for World War One service from the Shire of Whittlesea (as per 1918 boundaries) compiled from local newspaper reports, honour boards erected around the district and an exhaustive search of records held in National Archives and the Australian War Memorial. […]

Whittlesea Courthouse
Built in 1864, the Whittlesea Courthouse is one of the oldest functional buildings in the City of Whittlesea. It is a brick building with a slate roof and was constructed on bluestone footings. The Courthouse played an important role in the daily life and development of the district. Apart from court proceedings, meetings of the Whittlesea Roads Board were held here, and […]