The following was written by Kevin Patterson following an interview and photo essay Kevin conducted with Michael in July 2010
Michael Gouralnik has been a shoe and bag repairer in Greensborough for 22 years.
Michael, a former electrical civil engineer, arrived in Australia from the Ukraine in 1988, 2 years after the Chenobal disaster which was 200k from his home.
One month after his arrival in Melbourne, Michael started work at Ivan the Shoeman’s shop in the arcade at 93 Grimshaw Street (Greensborough) for one year.
During this time Michael was learning the trade of shoe repairing, and, how to speak English by listening to customers. He remembers Irish and Scotish accents gave him a bit of a hard time.
After a year Michael had bought the business from Ivan who stayed on a further month to supervise his trainee’s new skills.
In the year 2000 Michael moved from the arcade to a neighbouring shop fronting Grimshaw Street that had formerly been a camera shop.
For a third time Michael moved after 3 years to the rear of his Grimshaw Street premises still reachable for pedestrians via a passage way alongside his former shop.
His new shop is easily accessible for driving customers as they can drive almost to his entrance and park in the big car park at the rear.
Michael and his wife, Mila are proud Aussie Citizens. Michael says the two best things in his life were marrying Mila and coming to Australia.