Transcribed from hand written notes on four pages by Mr Geoffrey Howell in 1970. Donated to City of Whittlesea and forwarded to Yarra Plenty Regional Library by Sandra Scott (nee Scurlock) April 2019.
Began in 1950, March (I think) at the request of 2 people aged about 15. I was approached and asked if I would start a mixed Club as all previous attempts had failed.
I had no experience in such Clubs, and could find no one who had. So I asked Ed Pittaway if we could use his hall & if he would help. He said “gladly”! so we started by writing anyone who would like to come.
About 30 people of various ages turned up and we just had a social evening. We agreed to limit the lower age group to those who had turned 14 years of age, and to meet every second week. We ran the Club as a social & athletic type of activity concern, and interspersed ordinary nights at home with trips to places of interest. Ed Pittaway gave us use of his hall on our own terms.
We settled down with an active group of about 18 regular members who always clamoured for weekly meetings. We had long arguments about a name for the Club, a Constitution & those who wish put in what they think its worth. We have never gone broke.
We have applied for 2 Government Grant in 20 years and I have been given about $400.00 in all. Equipment has been purchased by voluntary subscription running dances, concerts, or by direct appeal to local residents.
At one stage we began to have accidents and decided to insure all members. This involved joining the Vic Asson of Youth Clubs* and making a Constitution. This enabled the Club members to be covered against accident or sickness from the time they left home till their return – even when away at camp or on outings.
This club is believed to be the oldest Club in Victoria – or rather the one which has kept going for longest without a break. This of course apart from Church Clubs or children’s Clubs.
This brought new interest – new members & consequently new problems. But – we now had a nucleus of Trained or partly Trained Leaders. The club began to go under its own steam. We held a meeting & elected a member as President. He did a fine job. Since then the pattern has developed and the club is now run by the members themselves. They hold meetings of what is called the Executive who are the President & Vice President the Secretary & Treasurer, the immediate past President & Ed & me. The executive arranged programmes and general organise & are responsible for all Club activities.
There has never been a fee for joining, no role of attendance has ever been kept and there has never been a weekly subscription. After supper an empty plate is pushed down the table.
Rules – Subscriptions and such like complications. Never could they reach any unanimity (i.e. they couldn’t agree), so we eventually settled for 2 Rules.
1 We would it met anyone regardless of race religion or politics.
2 We would have no Rules.
It worked like a charm. We carried on this way for 2 years. The club suddenly grew to unmanageable numbers, and we begin to have weekly meetings. Ed Pittaway & I assumed leadership and ran all the meetings. We averaged about 40 to 55 members in regular attendance.
Things begin to happen. Sometimes problems arose we couldn’t solve. Like how to find new things to do. About this time we got in touch with the National Fitness Council who introduced us to their Leader Training Courses and camps which many members attended.
*Victorian Association of Youth Clubs
Photo: Post Office and Store, Wollert January 2007, Photographer: Matt Dickinson. Collection of Yarra Plenty Regional Library