The former Mont Park Hospital was located in Macleod near and on the site of LaTrobe University and Springthorpe Housing development. Mont Park mental asylum was opened in 1912, and in 1915 an army hospital opened for war injuries, disease and mental illness.
Tag: Banyule

Diamond Valley Community Hospital
The Diamond Valley Community Hospital was established in 1942 in Grimshaw Street Greensborough. Prior to the hospital, health services had been limited. There had been a baby health centre in operation since 1932, which had been very popular with residents from the surrounding areas and as far away as Research. Previously, there was a small […]
Greensborough Railway Station
The following article is reproduced by permission of Noel Withers and extracted from “Banyule City Council Spring Outdoors Programme 2008: Greensborough & the Plenty River Pioneer Trail With Dennis Ward & Noel Withers. A ramble from the lower part of town and along the river bank learning about historic sites and the pioneering families that […]
Willis Vale
The following article is reproduced by permission of Noel Withers and extracted from “Banyule City Council Spring Outdoors Programme 2008: Greensborough & the Plenty River Pioneer Trail with Dennis Ward & Noel Withers. A ramble from the lower part of town and along the river bank learning about historic sites and the pioneering families that […]

Rosanna Views
Particulars of Sale of Freehold land at Heidelberg All that piece of land being part of Crown portion 5 Parish of Keelbundora County of Bourke and being lot 13 on plan of subdivision No 4658 lodged in the Office of Titles together with a right of carriage way over Heidelberg Avenue* shown on said plan’. […]
Marble Hall
The following article is reproduced by permission of Noel Withers and extracted from “Banyule City Council Spring Outdoors Programme 2008: Greensborough & the Plenty River Pioneer Trail With Dennis Ward & Noel Withers. A ramble from the lower part of town and along the river bank learning about historic sites and the pioneering families that […]
Farmers Arms Hotel
The following article is reproduced by permission of Noel Withers and extracted from “Banyule City Council Spring Outdoors Programme 2008: Greensborough & the Plenty River Pioneer Trail With Dennis Ward & Noel Withers. A ramble from the lower part of town and along the river bank learning about historic sites and the pioneering families that […]

Greensborough Tea Rooms
This weatherboard building opposite St Helena Road is the former Greensborough Tea Rooms or Lobb’s Tea Rooms built in the 1920s. During World War 2 air raid wardens were trained here, it was also used by the peace corp. Later, in the 1960s, due to its proximity to the Sports oval, the building was used […]