Saturday morning on the 7th February 2009 was forecast to be extremely hot and it was. In Whittlesea, the weekend was going to be devoted to the Country Music Festival. This was to be a three day event, starting at the Council “TajMahal” building with a reception and a bun fight for celebrities. Then on […]
Tag: Black Saturday

7th February 2009
The hot sun blazed down on Church Street Whittlesea on the Country Music Show. Singers and musicians and dancers and a happy crowd sweltered in the sun’s fierce glow. While they enjoyed themselves, despite the heat, no one in that crowd’s imagination dreamed that many miles away, a spark would start this massive conflagration. It […]

Tower of Rememberance
By Amy Shaw Just, a few more, steps, to go, almost, there! Wow, just look at the amazing views! These were the views you would see if you had the courage to climb the 52 steps to the top of the Kangaroo Ground Tower of Remembrance. It’s one of the most unusual war memorials in […]

The impact of Black Saturday from a safe house in Diamond Creek
I arrived home from work, on Saturday February 7, at midday. On my way home I noticed that the temperature was already 40 degrees and that it was extremely windy. I once lived in St Andrews for eight years and I was a member of the local fire brigade. I learnt so much about bushfire behaviour […]
Impact of Black Saturday on St Andrews
Much of the fires at St Andrews were to the north of the town. The town itself is intact. Gaye Ponting, Secretary of the St Andrews Queenstown Historical Society has been in contact. She says that “our Society has been fortunate with the fires in St Andrews as the fire did not come into town […]
Diamond Creek Relief Centre following Black Saturday
The following is a copy of an email, with permission of the author sent to friends by a member of staff at Shire of Nillumbik following Black Saturday. From February 9 – 12 2009 she was able to act as the Relief Centre manager in the overnight shifts at the Diamond Creek Relief Centre. Thought […]
Black Saturday – Something about Henry
I noticed you are collecting experiences of the fires. I’m not sure if you’ll empathise with my experiences of that day as its about a horse, our horse and his name was Henry. We loved him and all our experiences of owning him, being with him, and coming to understanding him. He gave us a […]

View from Wildhaven after Black Saturday
My name is Cooper, I was named after a little boy who found me on his way to school. My family live in Charleber Lane St Andrews. Mother was hit by a car and is now in heaven. I am the first Kangaroo to be raised at Wildhaven since 7th February. I weigh 1 […]

The Cradle of St Andrews
Around 1977, a St Andrews local, Reg Evans, made a wooden cradle for his friends’ baby. The cradle is built from 200 year old cedar collected from a forest in New South Wales (which no longer exists) and more recent Victorian timber. Beautifully carved antique chair backs form part of the cradle. Other carvings are […]