Image of the KODE School sign in 2002

Victorian P-12 College of Koorie Education (former Glenroy High School, Box Forest campus), Glenroy campus

Victorian P-12 College of Koorie Education (former Glenroy High School, Box Forest campus), Glenroy campus. In the 1960s and 1970s the eight children in the Murray family (Diana, Stephen, Gary, Brian, Margaret, Wayne, Bev and Greg) attended Glenroy High School close to their home. They were the only Aboriginal children in the area and at […]

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Growing up in Glenroy

I grew up in Glenroy. The suburb and the community seemed to be growing with me. The pocket  of new housing where we lived was filled with lots of children similar in age. In hindsight, we had lots of freedom to wander about. As long as we were home for lunch or tea, or before […]

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