Edited transcript of the interview with Dr. Sue Lopez Atkinson. I’m sue Lopez Atkinson. I’m a proud Yorta Yorta woman and I’ve lived in Moreland for over 50 years. Starting off in Coburg as a child [and] moving out when I got married when I was very young and then returning to Brunswick […]
Tag: Moreland

ReCollection – Moreland’s geography and early European settlements
Edited transcript of the interview with Malcolm McIlvena, former President of the Coburg Historical Society (2006-2017). Well probably the first thing that people don’t realise is that there were to the north, of us and Pretty Sally is one of them, there were seven volcanoes. We’re going back several hundred thousand years here and those […]

ReCollection – Transforming the Merri Creek
When Ann and Bruce McGregor moved to Brunswick in 1967, the Merri Creek was in bad condition. They worked with many community groups through their roles in the Merri Creek Coordinating Committe and the Friends of Merri Creek to bring the creek back to life. They were also integral in setting up the Merri […]

ReCollection – Kicking around Coburg in the sixties
Edited transcript of the interview with Dr. Sue Lopez Atkinson. My father was born in Cooraminta Street in Brunswick in 1914 and he grew up in Brunswick. He met my mother in Brunswick, got married in Brunswick, and then after he got married they moved to Coburg. In the house that he grew up […]

Moreland quilt project – A changing community
The Moreland Quilt was a community arts and storytelling project curated by Tamara Russell, a textile artist specialising in free machine embroidery and hand stitching. The panels in the quilt record local stories, culture and history though imagery, colour and fabric. I lived on a dairy farm in Glenroy growing up. It was a lovely […]

Moreland quilt project – Work
The Moreland Quilt was a community arts and storytelling project curated by Tamara Russell, a textile artist specialising in free machine embroidery and hand stitching. The panels in the quilt record local stories, culture and history though imagery, colour and fabric. I was a seamstress like my mother, aunt and sister. We would all work […]

Moreland quilt project – Brunswick stories
The Moreland Quilt was a community arts and storytelling project curated by Tamara Russell, a textile artist specialising in free machine embroidery and hand stitching. The panels in the quilt record local stories, culture and history though imagery, colour and fabric. My parents came from Wonthaggi in the depression as there was no work in […]

Moreland quilt project – Food and gardening
The Moreland Quilt was a community arts and storytelling project curated by Tamara Russell, a textile artist specialising in free machine embroidery and hand stitching. The panels in the quilt record local stories, culture and history though imagery, colour and fabric. I came here from Morocco when I was very young. We were very poor […]

Moreland quilt project – Coburg stories
The Moreland Quilt was a community arts and storytelling project curated by Tamara Russell, a textile artist specialising in free machine embroidery and hand stitching. The panels in the quilt record local stories, culture and history though imagery, colour and fabric. Our family home is in Coburg North where we have lived since 1948. Every […]

Moreland quilt project – Migration
The Moreland Quilt was a community arts and storytelling project curated by Tamara Russell, a textile artist specialising in free machine embroidery and hand stitching. The panels in the quilt record local stories, culture and history though imagery, colour and fabric. We came to Australia from Italy after the war. My father worked […]